Rosalynn Carter Butterfly TraiI
2018 Spring Symposium: ‘Think Native’ and Plant Sale
May 4, 2018 in Plains, Georgia
Sponsored by the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail Plains Chautauqua, and The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.
We hope you will join us for an exciting symposium in Plains on Friday, May 4, 2018. The workshop will focus on gardening tips. native plans, and habitat for butterflies and bees. Registration is $25.03 per person and includes lunch. Seating is limited so register early!
In addition to great speakers and afternoon breakout sessions. we will have a native plant sale featuring milkweed, perennials. annuals, native azaleas. shrubs, and trees that provide nectar and serve as a host for pollinators. Donna Vincent with Vincent Gardens will be on hand to recommend plants that will encourage pollinators in full sun gardens as well as shade gardens. The Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail will have some potted plants. hanging baskets and annuals to add that burst of color to your patio and gardens.
Details about speakers. breakout sessions. the silent auction. and the seed swap are online at
Annette Wise 229.824.4567 Wilfie Maxwell 229.938.5830
9:30 Native Plant Sale begins
9:30 Silent Auction begins
10:00 Welcome and Announcements
10:15 Josh Fuder – UGA Extension Agent for Canton, GA – Backyard Bees:How to build native bee habitats in our landscape
11:10 Ernest Koone – Lazy K Nursery – Native Horticultural Treasures of Georgia
12:00 Lunch (included in fee)
12:50 Bill Starr – UGA Extension Service for Sumter County, How your Extension Agent can help you with your garden
1:00 Susan Meyers – Monarchs and Milkweed Across Georgia
1:45 Breakout Sessions: Make a Bee House, Recycled Plant Containers or Gardening in a Bag

Seed Swap – Bring a packet of homegrown seeds and swap for one you want (label your seed packs!)
Silent Auction – Bid on items in the auction up to 12:50PM
All profit from the Silent Auction and Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail plants/items will go directly to establish additional habitat for pollinators or promote the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail
We also have a few surprises planned plus some door prizes!