Contact Us at Vincent Gardens Nursery

Live Nearby, Have Questions, or Ready to Plant now?

If you are local, you can purchase our plants online and then make an appointment to pick up your order at the nursery.

Currently although our nursery is a certified plant operation consisting of online mail order and purchases, we are not open to the general public on a daily basis.

butterflyIf you choose to pick up from our location, you’ll need to contact us and give us at least 24 hours notice.
So please contact us with your name, order number and contact details and our staff will contact you within working hours.

If there’s a problem with your purchase or checking out please bring this to our attention as soon as possible with the details of the problem and we will call you back as soon as possible.

We welcome custom orders, email orders or any other special request you may have.


Please use this contact us form below to ask us general questions or leave feedback.

We respect your privacy. We will not give or sell your email address or personal information to anyone.

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